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About Draw Soso


Illustrations / Prints / Murals

Draw-Soso is a Korean-Dutch illustratior that captures unique cultural moments, connecting Korea and the Netherlands. Through her experiences in Rotterdam and South Korea, Soyeon expresses these moments through both writing and illustration. Her work goes beyond stereotypes, focusing on the subtle details found in everyday life—how people talk, walk, and behave. By highlighting these small differences and cultural contrasts, she delicately portrays the beauty that can be found in diverse ways of living. 

드로우 소소는 한국과 네덜란드를 연결하는 독특한 문화적 순간을 담아내는 한국-네덜란드 일러스트레이터 입니다. 네덜란드 로테르담과 한국에서의 경험을 글과 그림으로 표현하며, 고정관념을 넘어서 사람들의 일상 속 대화, 걸음걸이, 행동에서 나타나는 미묘한 디테일에 집중합니다. 소소한 일상의 차이와 문화적 대조를 섬세하게 담아내어, 다양한 생활 방식 속에서 발견할 수 있는 아름다움을 그립니다.

Clients : Social Hub, Cinekid, Rotterdam Gemeente, Kaboom animation festival, Roodkapje, London Children's Book Festival, and 고래가 그랬어.
See:sun collective 시선콜렉티브 멤버 ​

Featured in


Kaboom animation festival 2024 - Amsterdam, NL
Playground In Motion 2023- Rotterdam, NL

We’re Playground2022 - Eindhoven, NL

Grafixx festival - Antwerpen, BE

zuiker market- Groningen, NL

Volkshtel- Amsterdam, NL

Zine camp- Rotterdam, NL

potloodvenster.printfestival -Kortrijk, Belgium, BE


Pansy x Draw Soso's adventure - Amsterdam, NL

Toys Toys Toys - Grafik Brussel ,BE

Daken Dagen BOVENOP ZUID- Rotterdam, NL

Dwarsstraat010 Manucipality of Rotterdam Timmurhuis - Rotterdam,NL
illustradafestival 2022 - Tilburg, NL

Willem de kooning academie : Group Exhibition - Rotterdam, NL
SeeSun collective -Kelderman En van Noort -Eindhoven, NL
SeeSun collective 2021 - De Zware Jongens - Utrecht, NL

Rotterdam cartoon festival 2019- CFFR Rotterdam,NL
Seoul illustration festival - Coex,Seoul,KR
Seoul handmade fair -Coex, Seoul,KR

Hanguel Typoe expo - the gallery, Seoul, KR

종이속의 종이나라 - 종이나라 Seoul,KR


Korean illustrator Draw Soso
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©2023 by DRAW SOSO 

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